Chris Stocker Inc

3 Favorite WordPress Themes

Have you ever done a search for WordPress themes?  If you have, then you have seen thousands upon thousands show up in the search results.  There’s no way that I can sit here and tell you about every single one obviously, but I will show you which ones are my favorite to use.  Usually, the main reason that I go with a specific theme is because of the ease of use.  When I am creating a WordPress site, I will typically give the client several options to choose from if they haven’t already decided on one.  Here are a few of my favorite free WordPress themes.


This is the theme that I use for this blog as a matter of fact.  There are several reasons that I like to use that theme, especially for clients.  For one, to make changes to the site, header width, text / link colors, column widths, you don’t need to know any code at all.  Under the theme options menu you can go through different sections of the site and just simply change a number from 125 to 140 and it will expand the width of the header, with no need to go into the .css file.  It is so easy to navigate that I can give the login to a client that doesn’t know much and cant make their own updates.  It is also affiliate friendly.  It is easy to add text links and move them around the way that you want to on your page.


Once again, very simple to manage.  If there is something that you don’t understand how to do there is a lot of good information in the WordPress forums for that particular theme.  The theme allows for two headers which is great for navigational purposes.  You can create a tabbed look for your categories and pages.


The Organic theme is one of my favorite choices when you are looking to design a static, non-blog website with WordPress.  It is very easy to create new pages and select which order they show up in the tab part of the header.  This theme is built to be social media friendly.  In the theme options, all you have to do is input your user name or handle and it will generate the links for you automatically.  This is a great feature if you don’t have the HTML skills to add all these links.

There are thousands and thousands of themes, out there, and these are just a few of the ones that I have used, but they are the ones that I use most often.  What are your favorite WordPress themes?

photo credit: AMERICAN ARTIST BEN MURPHY via photopin cc