Chris Stocker Inc

4 Steps to Becoming a Better Blogger

I hear all the time from new bloggers that they are not getting the amount of traffic that they want and they don’t know what they can do to increase the traffic.  Number one is create better content.  Creating better content is going to make you a better blogger.  Below are 4 tips on becoming that better blogger that you want to become.

Write, then Write Some More

Write, write, write, write, write, and as soon as you finish writing that last thing, write again.  The only way to become a better writer is to continue to do it.  You don’t need to be logged into your WordPress dashboard or Blogger account to start writing.  Open up a notepad or TextEdit if you’re on a Mac, and start typing away.  You can even use that ancient thing called pen and paper to write out blog posts at times when you are not at a computer.

Take Notes

Every time that I leave my house I carry around a a small notebook, about 4″x3″ or so, in my pocket.  It fits just like a wallet into my back pocket.  I am horrible at remembering blog ideas, because they randomly pop into my head at different times.  Keep a notepad handy for situations like this.  You can also use your iPhone or BlackBerry, whatever you have to keep notes and then look at them later on when you are ready to write a post.

Read Outside Your Industry

One way to becoming a better writer / blogger is by reading more.  Don’t just read about things in your industry.  I manage several blogs, with this one and my diabetes blog the two main ones.  I work as an SEO and WordPress design guy, but I read a lot about things outside of these two industries.  The more I read, the more ideas I come up with to blog about because I attempt to relate these things to my industries.

Answer Questions

This idea I heard at a keynote by Chris Brogan.  He uses e-mails that he receives and makes blog posts out of them.  You can do this as well.  If there are questions that you are frequently asked, why not use those as a chance to inform everybody at once the answer?

Begin learning good habits and create a schedule as well if you can.  You will become a better blogger before you know it.