Chris Stocker Inc

4 Tips for Blogging When You Don’t Have Time

With the launch of my new consulting company, I have been able to speak to several local small business owners about their websites, or lack there of.  I’ve heard several times, “well we have a website, but it hasn’t been updated in months, we paid somebody $500 to build it and that was it.”  When asked why they haven’t updated it, they always say that they haven’t had any time or that the website wasn’t making them any money.  Well if you don’t put work into the site, of course it’s not going to make you any money.  I recently had a long conversation with my brother to explain, “what exactly do you do” to him.  After explaining blogging, social media, affiliate marketing, SEO, SEM, he didn’t fully grasp it all, but he understood enough the he wanted to start a blog.

His wife was 9 months pregnant at the time, and he was sitting at home with H1N1, so he had all the time in the world and he loved the idea of starting a blog about starting a new family, being an outdoors hunter/fisher and possibly making some money off of the blog later on down the road.  Four days later his wife goes into labor and now he has a feeling of wasted money.  “I have a new born, and a job, I don’t have time to blog”  Wrong Answer.

Here’s a few tips on how to find time to blog.

Cell Phone Apps

If you are a WordPress user and iPhone user this option is a good one for you because WP has an exactly app for the iPhone, as well as Blackberry.  If you use a different blogging service simply search for an app for the type of phone that you may have.  You can write all or at least majority of a post either during your lunch break at work, waiting for an oil change, waiting in line at the grocery store, anywhere except for while driving!  And probably not a good idea to pull out your phone and do it while your wife is explaining how awful her day was.  I’m not married, but I’m just saying.


Most guys will admit that this is where their best work is done.  Take your laptop in with you and spend your time in there typing or researching keywords.  Do something, I’m not sure if there is a study of how long you actually spend in a bathroom a week, but I’m guessing you can probably get 1 or 2 complete posts done while in there, moving on.


If you are a Monday-Friday 9-5 worker your weekend is probably filled with a lot of chores that you are not able to get done during the week.  Yard work, washing the dog / car, running errands, and now a new addition to your weekend fun, blogging.  Take 20-30 minutes in the morning before you head out on your chores to write up a blog post.  If you are blogging about something you are passionate about, you can get a blog post down in 30 minutes or less.

Video Blog

If you have any sort of digital camera, Flipcam, iPhone, anything that will record video then record a 1-2 minute clip.  The amount of time it takes you to type a full blog post, you can do a quick video in under 2 minutes and express everything that you wanted to in typing format.  You don’t have to be James Cameron or some Hollywood director to shoot this type of video.  I personally think the more amateur it looks, the more authentic it is anyway.

Here are just 4 quick tips to help you with your blog.  You do have time, so don’t say you don’t.
photo credit: Ed Yourdon via photopin cc