Chris Stocker Inc

5 Tips for When Searching for a Job Feels Endless

Whether you were laid off, fired, had time cut back, or just looking to pick up an additional income, job searching can feel endless at times.  The most important thing to remember is to not give up on the search, you will find something.  Here are a few tips to help you find that job you are looking for.

Start a Blog

If you have just been let go by your employer or are working less hours in a week, you may have some free time that you don’t know what to do with.  There’s an easy solution to that, start a blog!  If you were working a typical 9-5 office job, then use those hours to look for new jobs, send out your resume, and to update your blog.  Start off with something you are passionate about.  For more on living your passion, I suggest reading Gary Vaynerchuk’s Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion. (Amazon link).

Take a Class

Now is the time to learn that trade or computer software / application that you have been wanting to for so long, but you just haven’t had the time.  Maybe you love photography and you have so many pictures, but don’t know a single thing about Photoshop, here is your time to learn it.  Taking a course can be very helpful in finding that next job as well.  You are giving yourself an edge against the others looking for a job.  It is a tough competition out there right now if you are looking for a job.  I was in that situation a few months ago, and I decided to freshen up on some skill sets that I hadn’t used in a long time and decided to start diving into the php world a little bit as well.

Update your Resume

If you have been at the same job for a long time then your resume may be covered in dust and hidden away somewhere that you have no clue where it is.  Well, find it and update it.  Hell, just ditch the old one and create a whole new one.  Once created, post your resume on job search engines such as Monster, Career Builder, Dice, Indeed, etc.  Don’t just update this resume in a word document.  If you’re not on LinkedIn yet, then do so right now.  LinkedIn also has a great job search included as well.

Network, network, network

Everyday of my life is just one big networking conference.  When I meet somebody knew, like a local grocery store employee, I want to hear how they are doing and let them do all the talking as I soak it all in.  Get to know as many people as you can, especially outside of your industry.  Even when you get a new job, continue to network with people outside of your industry because you never know when you will need to call on somebody for help.  I was working as an e-commerce marketing assistant at a diabetes / medical supply company and I decided to start my own consulting business and now I do some on-site consulting with Volvo Aero Services, not even close to the same industry.  If you are able to attend some events, I highly recommend that as well.  Whether it is a local job fair, networking conference, a TweetUp, or even the local bingo.  You never know where you will meet that person that says, “Hey I know Bob, who is looking for somebody right now that does exactly what you do”  Hired, right there at the local bingo hall.

Don’t Be Lazy

The worst thing to do is to become lazy.  Don’t sit around on the couch all day long (unless that is where you are typing your blog or doing your learning from).  Even if that is the case, get out to a coffee shop, go to the nearest Barnes and Noble, remember that networking thing I talked about up there?  Becoming lazy is not going to get you a new job.  Feeling sorry for yourself and waiting for somebody to throw a pity party for you isn’t going to work.  Don’t become discouraged as well.  Continue to work hard and something will come your way.

These are just a few tips of many.  I can say that I know how you feel because I was fired from a job several months ago for pursuing my passion.  I was left with no job, no health insurance, and no idea which way was up or down.  But, I did know one thing, I loved marketing, I love SEO, and I loved to blog, so that is what I did for 18 hours a day, read blogs, wrote blogs, commented on blogs, attended conferences, networked with in-law I never had more than a 5 minute conversation with before.  I saw life in a totally different aspect.  I started to realize what the word social actually meant in social media.

If you are having trouble finding a job or have questions, let me know at cstocker at chrisstockerinc dot com.
photo credit: Renegade98 via photopin cc