Chris Stocker Inc

Affiliate Marketing Monday – Don’t Give Up

Affiliate marketing can be a time consuming process.  Don’t think that you are going to build a website tonight and sign up for affiliate programs and then start making money the next day.  If those are the hopes that you have, and if those are the stories you are hearing from people, then you have been mislead.  Affiliate marketing is not easy, especially at the beginning.  It takes a lot of content, great content at that, in order to build the traffic to your site.  Creating traffic can be the most difficult part for you, and this is where you may start to feel discouraged.  Don’t give up.

If you are just starting out, don’t set expectations of reaching 1,000 visitors a month, because chances are it’s not going to happen.  For the first month, you may only be getting a few views a day, but that doesn’t mean you should stop creating content.  If your content is good, you will begin to gain more and more visitors.  Great content spreads easily.  Once this is all done, then it becomes a lot easier, as long as you can continue to create great content.

Now your website will be able to start working 24 hours a day.  What I mean by this is that, your website and content is up on the web all day, so you never know what time people will be reading what you have created.  If your banners and ads are relevant to what you are talking about, then you will begin to start seeing some clicks on your ads and also seeing some conversions.

No matter what, don’t give up.  If you have been blogging for 2 years and you only have 10 readers and not a single click on any of your links, then that’s a different story.  Set your goals small first and reach them frequently so you keep up your confidence.

Best of luck in creating that great content and making money online.