Chris Stocker Inc

Affiliate Marketing Monday – Networking

Affiliate Marketing Monday had a few weeks off as Chris Stocker Inc took some time away.  I was traveling and visiting family and as you know, family comes first.  This week topic is all about networking.  Networking is great for any forms of business, so let’s discuss how it benefits affiliate marketing.

One of the most important things about networking is being able to put a face to a name.  Most people are more willing to do business with somebody that they know and have a personal connection with than with somebody they have only exchanged a few quick e-mails with.  Twitter is completely changing the way that we can network.  Before, when you would meet somebody at a conference you had to get through the hi nice to meet you and introduction stage.  Now, with Twitter and other social media outlets, you can walk right up to somebody and start talking right away because you have built that personal connection with them already.

If you are an affiliate or an affiliate manager you must, absolutely must attend at least one of the two Affiliate Summit Conferences.  There is two a year, January is the west version out in Las Vegas and August is the east version in New York City.  While here, you are able to meet affiliates and affiliate managers as well.  As an affiliate, this networking opportunity gives you a chance to meet the merchants and gain the opportunity of getting exclusive coupons or even greater commissions.  As the merchant, you are able to connect with the affiliates that are promoting your links and work with them to get better placement or even more placement through e-mails or other campaigns.

Networking will also help spread the word of your website.  If you are a donation affiliate, you have an open forum to discuss with other professionals who are able to spread the word about your organization or site.

Another form of networking that you can join is attending any local meetups that may be going on.  There are also many different networking groups that are in your area, just do a simple Google search to find out who they are and where and when they meet.  A lot of networking groups do have annual or monthly fees, but typically you will make that money back within 1 or 2 referrals or commissions.

Network, network, network
photo credit: ganderssen1 via photopin cc