Chris Stocker Inc

Day One of Izeafest!

First full day of sessions and fun at IZEAfest is over and it is making the second day tough!  Starting with a 5 a.m. drive up to Orlando, followed up by a very entertaining keynote by Ted Murphy himself and all of the great speakers throughout the day.  Oh yea, except the cutie pies.  ICEbar Orlando is close to one of the coolest places on earth.  Today, day 2, is the day that I am most excited about.  Why?  Because Chris freakin’ Brogan is speaking today.  Mr. Trust Agent himself.

So, into a little more detail about some key points.  The first keynote was about personal branding by Ted Murphy.  One of the first points he made was, own your name.  By every possible domain of your name, or your persona, depending on which you choose to do.  Next up was about your logo.  Ted explained more about things not to do while creating your logo.  For instance, don’t design a logo if you are not a designer, no clipart, and most importantly, don’t create a logo that only works in color.

As you can tell, I don’t have a logo up in my header because I am still awaiting the final product from the designer.  I am a novice with CS4, but I don’t believe that I have the abilities yet that I need for a decent looking logo.

Next up was your blog design.  Don’t use a standard theme because your blog is going to look exactly like everyone elses.  This is tough for me because I do have basic HTML knowledge, but I am not at the point that I want to be at.  I use WordPress and I try to get as much out of it as possible.  My biggest thought is that if you know PHP then you can do a hell of a lot more with a WordPress them.  Eventually, I do plan on doing a full re-design, but it would probably be better to actually get a few readers before I do all that.

Well, this is the first official post of this new blog.  It is time for day 2 to start, so more from me later.
photo credit: RealTimJones via photopin cc