Chris Stocker Inc

Get Motivated: Motivational Seminar in South Florida

I have never been to any sort of motivational speech or conference before, but I have finally decided to attend one.  I have been very skeptical of these sort of events because they always seemed like they were going to try and sell me a timeshare at the end of their speech.  The only reason that this one was even brought to my attention because two local sports legends are going to be there, Dan Marino and Dwayne Wade.  With them being their speaking, I figured, what kind of sales pitch could they really be selling me?

Monday March 15, 2010 at the BankAtlantic Center there will be a Get Motivated seminar with the following speakers:

That’s a star-studded lineup for a conference that only costs $4.95 and $19.95 for your whole office.  I am not getting paid to write this post, I just think it is a great opportunity to take your office to an event to build team unity and pull your teams at your office together.
photo credit: Josh Self via photopin cc