Chris Stocker Inc

Google Affiliate Network De-Activates non AdSense Users

Google Affiliate Network has recently deactivated publishers who have not synced an Adsense account to their affiliate account.  For merchants that manage programs through Google Affiliate Network, don’t be freaked out seeing a smaller number of affiliates if you log in today.  There are a few things that you can do in order to figure out who has been deactivated.

First, you can e-mail the GAN team and ask them to send you a list of your formerly active publishers that have not linked their accounts together.  You can then send an e-mail to these affiliates to remind them that they will have to re-apply to the affiliate network once they sign up for an AdSense account.  If they already have an AdSense account, then they can just automatically re-apply to the program now.

Secondly, you can run a report from last month and compare it to this month and see which publishers had links up opposed to those that have them up now.  De-dup the list and you will find out who is no longer an active publisher.  Send an e-mail to these publishers and walk them through the process of getting set back up.

For more information on this change please check out Google’s help page.
photo credit: swanksalot via photopin cc