Chris Stocker Inc

How Social Media Has Changed the World

Over the last decade or so the internet has been making the world a much smaller place to live.  The world wide web has done just that, extended your company into a global presence.  We all know these things, so I’m not going to waste your time or mine talking about.  Go read a post from 15 years ago if you want to know about that.  I’m talking about how some newer web tools have leveled the playing field for people by making everybody just one or two clicks away.  How social media has changing the world.

So what if you just signed up for a Twitter account today.  You only have 5-10 followers right now, how the heck are you supposed to become an influencer and get people to your blog and find out what you have to say.  First things first, make sure your content is good enough for people to want to come to your blog post.  Do a quick Google search for “content is king”, you have an endless supply of articles to read, once again, not going to waste your time with the same stuff here.

If you are active enough in communities and Facebook and Twitter, you will ultimately become recognized and followed.  Once you continue to build your name and personal brand online, go to a trade show and introduce yourself to the people that you are constantly talking to online.  You feel as if you have known these people forever.  You should, because you do.  You just better make sure that who you are on Twitter is the same as in person, because if you’re not, you will be known as a fake.

Previously, you had to know somebody in order to get introduced to somebody.  It wasn’t as much about what you knew, but who you knew.  That is still a huge factor in business today, but the doors are a little more open for the person who may not know anybody special.  You can now connect with these people via Twitter and LinkedIn in such short time periods that you will no longer be in a disadvantage.

Work hard, don’t be shy, and be active in communities related to your industry.  Do it today, tomorrow, the day after, and the day after that, and continue to do it.  Become the new leader of the community.  Eventually you will have your own community and your own following.  Your hard work definitely pays off here.  How do you think Chris Brogan, Gary Vaynerchuk, Brian Solis, Mitch Joel, and Pete Cashmore got to where they are?  It sure wasn’t from complaining that they don’t have an opportunity to get the top.
photo credit: PropagandaTimes via photopin cc