Chris Stocker Inc

Moving on from being fired

A couple of weeks ago I posted about being fired for crushing it.  I read GaryVee’s book in about a day and was motivated to just work constantly on two blogs that I write and get my consulting business off the ground.  I am now proud to announce that things are looking a little more on the up and up for myself and the consulting business.  I am close to closing in on a Fortune 100 company and doing some consultant work with them, so I owe this to motivation that I have received from others.

I also want to once again thank all of you who tweeted and retweeted my post about getting fired.  It is great to see an online community of people that are so caring and willing to help out when people get into rough times.  Everybody now a days is so busy that they barely have time to eat and sleep, but there are those that will take time out of their busy day to help others.  These are the people that I want to do business with, these are the people that I will trust doing business with.

This post is dedicated to all of you who are helping others along the way and not asking for something in return for it.

Keep it up, great job, and thank you!
photo credit: B Rosen via photopin cc