Chris Stocker Inc

My Top 5 iPhone Apps

Want to do anything in life?  We already know, there’s an app for that! Below is a list of the 5 iPhone apps that I use every single day all day long when I am not connected to my laptop.  These apps may not work for you, but they satisfy my needs.


This is my absolute favorite and the one that I use the most.  It is formerly known as Twitfon.  I like this app because the font of the Twitter updates is large enough to see when taking a quick peak at a red light or while walking through the store.  Some other Twitter apps have dark backgrounds and smaller font and make it more difficult to see.  It also breaks up the “Friends”, “Mentions”, “Messages”, “Favorites, and “Search” sections into a simple button on the bottom of the screen.  There is no scrolling or zooming needed from column to column like other apps, such as the TweetDeck app for the iPhone (TweetDeck is my personal preference for my laptop however).

Buzz Voice

This app is perfect for when you don’t have a chance to read blogs during the day.  For many people that are working 9-5, you may be able to sneak some headphones on during the day, but not able to actual read things.  This app has a Buzz Voice Radio player in it that will take some of the top and newest blogs in a specific area that you choose and convert them to audio.  The audio sounds robotic and a little boring, but you can still get a chance to hear some of the top blogs.  It has a great social media radio section, which is what I use it for.


When you are not able to attend a conference there are still ways to get the most out of it.  One way is by using USTREAM. This app gives you access to live events going on and also archived video of live streamed events.  Once again, this is another great app that can be used when you are working a 9-5 and not able to view the conference, so you can at least hear the audio going on at the shows.

Wall Street Journal

Most people are getting their breaking news from Twitter and that is great.  This app is good if you are somebody who still likes to read news articles and op-ed pieces.  There is also a WSJ Radio section within this app that gives you a 2-3 minute summary of all the headlines that gets updated quite frequently.  I like this update because it then alerts me of things that are going on that I can then go search on Twitter for more information.

ESPN SportsCenter

This is every sports fan must have app.  If you want a quick score update on NFL, NBA, NCAA, NHL, MLB, or even auto racing then this is your app.  You can get an in-depth look at the game with the ESPN Gamecast.  I think the coolest part of this app is that everytime it is restarted it gives you some neat cool statistic or trivia.  It also gives you a chance to stay up to date on all your fantasy players.

These are my top 5.  What are yours?
photo credit: Karin Beil via photopin cc