Chris Stocker Inc

New Desk Brings New Attitude

Being a consultant and working from home can become difficult to deal with. Whether it is working from within the same 4 walls that you eat and sleep at, lack of creativity, or just get tired of having the feeling of being stuck in the house. At this particular time, I have an on-site consultant gig at Volvo Aero Services, so I am at their Boca Raton, FL location 3 days a week. The other two days are spent at various locations, Barnes and Noble being the most frequented. Check out my foursquare page to see where I am at the most.

I have recently moved residences and the office space at this particular place is, well lacking to be nice. I had my laptop sitting on a desk that had a family PC on top of it. At times I would use the kitchen table as my workspace. This was becoming difficult to work with because I felt like my creativity was lacking, and I just wasn’t able to focus and was not getting as much work done. There was only one solution, a trip to Office Depot.

This is a picture of my new workspace at the home office. The desk is large and it can fit all of my notepads and books that I am constantly going through. I have already gotten more done in this one day of having the desk then I did in the last 4-5 days. What is it about having a nice desk that makes you get more work done and become more organized. I have not been able to add accessories and liven up my workspace yet, but I definitely will soon. Lisa Barone from Outspoken Media had a recent post on this about her work set up at Outspoken Media.

Until I decide to rent some office space, this will have to do.