Relaunching Chris Stocker Inc

Let’s take a look at the date of the last post here, May 3, 2013.  It has been almost a year, so why bother posting again here?  Well, it’s quite simple actually.  I am going to re-focus this blog.

Over the past 3-4 years the blog has been focused on WordPress, SEO, Social Media and Affiliate Management.  Majority of the posts were focused on beginner level tools and tips for small businesses. These posts were written as a support and leads page for my digital marketing agency, CSI Marketing Solutions.

We have been rebuilding the CSI Marketing Solutions website and have been growing the business over the last year.  My time has been spent on growing the company and have slacked on creating this support content, however, we will begin posting on the new CSI Marketing Solutions blog beginning May, 2014.

The old focus of this blog, will be the focus of the CSI Marketing Solutions blog.  Over there we will be providing small businesses and startups the information, tools, and tips they need to grow their business online with SEO, PPC, social management and affiliate management.

If you would like to receive an email when we launch the new blog over there, please sign up for our email newsletter, and we will email you when the blog goes live.

Now, what will the new focus of this blog be about?

Chris Stocker Inc, will now be purely focused on my thoughts, views, and opinions on items that occur in my daily business life.  This will include news, updates and thoughts in the SEO, PPC, Social Media world, working from home, freelancing, work-life balance, small business marketing, and more.

If you have any questions about any of the topics mentioned above, please send your questions in and I will do my best to answer.
