Chris Stocker Inc

Setting Up an Effective Twitter Profile

A large percentage of the world, regardless of age, is fully aware of the popularity of Twitter today. It is one of the greatest ways to keep in touch with friends, family and business contacts.

In addition, Twitter is also an extremely effective marketing tool. No matter where you are in the world, it is as if everyone knows what Twittering is. Why not join in and learn how to use Twitter?

You can start by learning how to setup a Twitter profile:

1. Get online and go to the official Twitter website:

2. Provide your full name, email address and create a password.

3. Click “Sign Up for Twitter”

4. On the next page, you will be able to create a unique username. You can either enter your own username or choose a suggested username that Twitter provides to you. Twitter will notify you whether or not if your desired username is available.

5. Be sure to double-check the name, email address, password and username that you have provided.

6. Click “Create My Account”. You may be prompted with a request to complete a Captcha to let Twitter know that you are, indeed, a human. If everything else is correct, Twitter will then send you a confirmation email to the email you provided to them during sign up. Click the link that Twitter provides to you in the confirmation email. This will verify your newly created email and account.

If you are setting up a Twitter profile for your business, choosing the right username is important as this will be used to represent and identify your business on an extremely popular social network. Below are a few characteristics that can define an effective, appropriate and unique Twitter username:

1. Consider using an abbreviation of your business name, your full business name or a brief description of a product or service that you offer. If your full business name is long, an abbreviation may be best. Another option for a long business name will be to remove unnecessary vowels from the name and run the words together.

2. A tagline may also be a unique use of a business Twitter username.

3. It is recommended that you avoid using numbers, excessive capital letters and special characters.

4. By including a keyword in your username, it will make it easier for potential Twitter followers to find you when searching for that keyword online.