Chris Stocker Inc

The Importance of Using Facebook Graph for SEO

As a small business owner, there are responsibilities that you already have as the site’s owner (promoting business, capturing leads, designing, etc.), keeping up with social media is time-consuming as well as daunting. Fortunately, the future of online advertising has finally arrived: Facebook Graph. As you may already be aware, the more social votes that a website receives, the more search engines will pay attention to it. As much as we may hate to say it, social approval is considered to be the basis of Facebook’s ability to find social trends as well as award social scores to content that is found outside of Facebook.

The entirety of social media has long been under construction and it is clear that Facebook is taking the lead. As online search engines continue to change and modify their rules, Facebook continues to grow and adapt with these changes. Today, Facebook is defining its own standards for acceptable content as well as SEO protocols. Essentially, Facebook Graph for beginners is SEO for Facebook. The success of your SEO will largely depend upon social integration and social connections that are formed within Facebook. The more “Likes” that your Facebook page receives and the more relevant content that is shared within your Facebook network, the more successful your social media campaign will be.

When you gain more “Likes” on your company’s Facebook page, this simple action can make your current website even more powerful. With the “Like” option, Facebook was able to successfully refine the concept of popularity into social recommendations. The comments that are left on your company’s Facebook page are measured differently depending upon which user wrote the comment. For this reason, you will want to appeal to a relevant audience that may be interested in your products or services.

The entire process of Facebook Graph involves gathering a user’s personal tastes and preferences as he or she “Likes” or shares content for similar products and/or services. Over time, the “Likes” and other factors will begin to create advertisements for a specific Facebook user, therefore, giving these certain companies the exposure they need. I highly recommend that you begin implementing Facebook Graph if you have not already for your company’s website. Be sure to also include links to these social media accounts on each website that you own.

Today, Facebook is considered to be the most popular social media channel on the Internet. Due to Facebook’s ability to engage its users, it offers a competitive advantage over Google and other online search engines. Not only will you be able to gain access to get a better idea of what consumers want and need, you will also be able to collect behavior information from Facebook APIs. With the use of Facebook APIs, anyone with an online store can easily gain access to information about a specific user’s preferences. This makes it easier for retailers to develop new products and offer new services for even more engaging user experiences.