Chris Stocker Inc

Using Pinterest for SEO

Slowly, but surely, Pinterest is growing immensely in popularity as a social networking site. Recently, in the SEO world, social signals are being deemed as important factors for search rankings. Below, there are several tips that discuss how you may use Pinterest for SEO benefits:

Reputation Management

By using the right keywords and links to your main website, you can optimize your Pinterest profile, ensuring that your Pinterest profile will show up high on the search engine results page along with your main website and any additional social media profiles. As a result, you will have more control when it comes to your brand’s search results.

Optimize Your Pin Descriptions for SEO

Use Pinterest’s 500-character limit wisely to describe a specific image and make it as keyword rich as possible (without over-optimizing). This data will be indexed by Google. As a result, Pinterest results appear often at the top of the search engine results page.

Optimize Pins (Images) for SEO

Although back links from Pinterest are not followed, the source URL’s are followed, therefore, be sure that your images are linked back to the page on your website where the image can be found.

Add Value and Relevance with Your Pins

It is highly recommended that you focus on adding more value to the community by pinning other images (other than your own) and photos that you find of value and relevance. By doing this, you will be able to establish a good reputation and increase the likelihood of others pinning your images, therefore, effectively using Pinterest for SEO.

Now that you know more about how Pinterest can help your SEO, go out there and start Pinning!